As many may now know Capcom has announced Street Fighter IV the 1st real Street Fighter game in about 10 years. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I got when I heard the news and saw the first teaser trailer of the game. But that has all changed and that excitement has manifested itself into doubt.
Recently on the 1up Show they talked about Street Fighter IV and showed the 1st footage of the game in motion. Now to start things off when I saw the style they were going for in the game from the screen shots I wasn't very happy. However I held off any doubts hoping that the game would look better in motion. Well now that I have seen it in motion I can say I am very very disappointed. The style they seem to be going for is the more American bulky looking fighters look. Hell if it wasn't for the Red and White karate suits that Ken and Ryu wear you wouldn't even know it was them in the video thats how different they look. And when I say different I don't mean in a good way, they look horrid. In addition to Ryu and Ken not looking like Ryu and Ken their bodies when not in movement just seem wrong somehow. It's really hard to explain unless you've seen it.
The thing that saddens me is that Street Fighter IV will most likely be a blast to play because Producer Yoshinori Ono is trying to appeal to all the things that made Street Fighter II the massive hit that it was. However in trying to perfect things like the game play it seems they have completely overlooked the visual appeal that Street Fighter II had with its more anime style.
Being a Street Fighter fan for awhile I am one who believes that Street Fighter IV shouldn't use 3d character models and that Capcom should stay with sprites. With the quality of the hand drawn sprites being done on the PS2 at the end of its life span with games such as Odin Sphere and the Grim Grimore I firmly believe that if they wanted to Capcom could get damn near anime quality sprites out of the Xbox 360 and PS3 hardware.
But I digress. This all may not even end up mattering as some may know a large amount of complaints about certain sprites for Street Fighter II HD was enough to make Capcom redo them and make them better. So who knows maybe Yoshinori Ono will hear the complaints from the fans and they may just end up changing the style of the game. Here's hoping Capcom is listening.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Is Duke Finally comming?
As some may know a new teaser trailer for the long in development Duke Nukem Forever has been released today. Which you can find here. After watching this clip which shows little of any real game play I came away kind of confused. I thought shouldn't a game that has been in development for 10 years look a little better then this? While the game doesn't look bad by any stretch of the imagination it just doesn't quite look as good as I had hoped. And whats with the cheesy voice over at the end? I mean I know Duke is supposed to have that somewhat cheesy sense of humor but thats a little much. Hopefully that voice is just a place holder until some real voice over work begins. I guess my problem is that after being in development for 10 years Duke Nukem Forever has so much to live up to and this teaser doesn't show that it will live up to any of that. Heres hoping that this is just a bad trailer and not a bad game.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
New FFXIII and FFversusFXIII trailers!!!
For those of you that don't know there are new Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailers up all over the net. While they aren't the newest trailers shown in the Square Enix closed mega theater at this years Tokyo Game Show they are newer then the ones that have been available for awhile now. While the Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer is more or less just a extended version of the fight from the original it's still very much worth a look. The Final Fantasy XIII trailer shows off a lot more then the first trailer. Battle scenes are extended and there are some impressive views of a lush jungle valley. You will also get a peek at Shiva and a new character who to me looks to be inspired by Final Fantasy VIII's Seifer in his Kingdom Hearts 2 form.
One thing that really excites me is a scene in which Lightning throws a grav bomb into a group of enemies and as she dashes toward the enemies the camera pans a bit and then she is in a battle. If this transition is anything like what battles will be like in the final version of the game that really excites me. It makes sense as one of the producers of the game said one of the exciting things about working with the PS3 is that there will be no load times and this could be a way to phase out the shattering glass effect seen in the older FF's. And all this is assuming that Final Fantasy XIII doesn't use the battle system from Final Fantasy XII which some people are assuming is going to happen. However I don't recall Square Enix stating one way or the other.
Either way you can find the trailers here at Final Fantasy or here at N4G and you can always Google them as well. Enjoy.
UPDATE: has released 1080p versions of the new trailers which can be downloaded and watched on your PS3 if you so please. Give them a click as they have done a good job getting the trailers in 1080p you can get them here.
One thing that really excites me is a scene in which Lightning throws a grav bomb into a group of enemies and as she dashes toward the enemies the camera pans a bit and then she is in a battle. If this transition is anything like what battles will be like in the final version of the game that really excites me. It makes sense as one of the producers of the game said one of the exciting things about working with the PS3 is that there will be no load times and this could be a way to phase out the shattering glass effect seen in the older FF's. And all this is assuming that Final Fantasy XIII doesn't use the battle system from Final Fantasy XII which some people are assuming is going to happen. However I don't recall Square Enix stating one way or the other.
Either way you can find the trailers here at Final Fantasy or here at N4G and you can always Google them as well. Enjoy.
UPDATE: has released 1080p versions of the new trailers which can be downloaded and watched on your PS3 if you so please. Give them a click as they have done a good job getting the trailers in 1080p you can get them here.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Assassin's Repition
When I first saw Assassin's Creed I thought "awesome metal gear solid crusaders style". I was excited for the game but now that I have played it I feel let down.
1st off as some may know there was a much talked about Sci Fi twist to Assassin's Creed now I won't spoil what it is I can tell you that its pointless and out of place in the game.
The game looks great its nothing spectacular but it does its job, it is by no means ugly but its not beautiful either. Not counting NPC's related to the story there seems to be only a few NPC models which is annoying but not to bad. The animation is great it looks very fluid and the way the animations work as you free climb a building just looks awesome.
Now the game breaks down like this. You have 9 targets to assassinate throughout the game 3 per city. Now herein lies the problem in each city you have to investigate before you can have a chance to kill your target. You will be doing tasks like saving citizens, eavs dropping, pick pocketing, beating people for info, scaling tall buildings to reveal more of the map and so on. The problem is you will repeat these tasks endlessly so much it gets to the point where I wanted to just put the game down. Even the NPC's repeat the same few phrases countless times. Its as if they had a few voice actors read the same line off a card and just hit loop. There are NPC's that will follow you around begging for money and they seldom leave you alone. I can't even begin to tell you how annoying it was to hear them say "I need money I'm hungry and sick" 10000 times in 30 minutes. And like I said the tasks you will be doing are mind numbingly repetitive.
The combat system offers up a decent amount of depth but the problem is you will never need any of it. You will simply need to learn to attack and counter and there will never arise a need to use any other combat abilities in the game at all. You will get the ability to use a dagger, Sword, throwing knives, a hidden knife and your fists. However you will only be using the sword and hidden knife as there is no real reason to use anything else. It's disappointing that the game never forces you to take advantage of the many abilities you obtain throughout the game.
The story while I can't say much while somewhat different was rather forgettable. It's sad Assassin's Creed could have been so much more but what it ended up being was a decent game with a few unique twists. At best I would recommend it for a rental. Here's hoping the sequel will get all the problems fixed and be the game that Assassin's Creed could have and should have been.
1st off as some may know there was a much talked about Sci Fi twist to Assassin's Creed now I won't spoil what it is I can tell you that its pointless and out of place in the game.
The game looks great its nothing spectacular but it does its job, it is by no means ugly but its not beautiful either. Not counting NPC's related to the story there seems to be only a few NPC models which is annoying but not to bad. The animation is great it looks very fluid and the way the animations work as you free climb a building just looks awesome.
Now the game breaks down like this. You have 9 targets to assassinate throughout the game 3 per city. Now herein lies the problem in each city you have to investigate before you can have a chance to kill your target. You will be doing tasks like saving citizens, eavs dropping, pick pocketing, beating people for info, scaling tall buildings to reveal more of the map and so on. The problem is you will repeat these tasks endlessly so much it gets to the point where I wanted to just put the game down. Even the NPC's repeat the same few phrases countless times. Its as if they had a few voice actors read the same line off a card and just hit loop. There are NPC's that will follow you around begging for money and they seldom leave you alone. I can't even begin to tell you how annoying it was to hear them say "I need money I'm hungry and sick" 10000 times in 30 minutes. And like I said the tasks you will be doing are mind numbingly repetitive.
The combat system offers up a decent amount of depth but the problem is you will never need any of it. You will simply need to learn to attack and counter and there will never arise a need to use any other combat abilities in the game at all. You will get the ability to use a dagger, Sword, throwing knives, a hidden knife and your fists. However you will only be using the sword and hidden knife as there is no real reason to use anything else. It's disappointing that the game never forces you to take advantage of the many abilities you obtain throughout the game.
The story while I can't say much while somewhat different was rather forgettable. It's sad Assassin's Creed could have been so much more but what it ended up being was a decent game with a few unique twists. At best I would recommend it for a rental. Here's hoping the sequel will get all the problems fixed and be the game that Assassin's Creed could have and should have been.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
New GTAIV Trailer impressions.
For those that don't know a new Grand Theft Auto IV trailer was released today, if you haven't seen it yet its up on Xbox Live and you can Google it and probably find it on a million different sites. I checked the trailer out and came away with conflicting thoughts. While the action in the trailer is certainly intense even more so then what we have seen in past GTA games I couldn't help but think "wow is that what it looks like"? It seems to me at least that the 1st trailer for the game was far more graphically impressive. It leaves me wondering is it just me noticing this? Has the games delay perhaps had a effect on the games graphics engine? Or is it just that after playing beautiful games like Mass Effect and Uncharted that the GTA engine just fails to impress?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Vivendi and Activision merger.
The Company that owns the company behind World of Warcraft and the company behind Call of Duty 4 and Guitar Hero 3 are merging. Vivendi and Activision have announced plans for a merger and once complete the company will be known as Activision Blizzard.... someone needs a new creative department... Anyway with this news came news of big Sequels such as Guitar Hero IV and Call Of Duty 5. I personally am excited about this news as some may know Activision was close to beating out EA as the #1 3rd party developer and now with this merger Activision Blizzard may just over take EA after all. And who knows maybe with this merger we will see sequels to long lost games that we have been waiting for such as Diablo III. Time will tell.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Star What?

The thing that strikes me most about Mass Effect is the fact that it's all original this isn't something inspired by something else ala KOTOR. Bioware created a insanely in depth and complex universe from the ground up, a universe dare I say more compelling then Star Wars.
Each of the many Alien races are diverse and intriguing and I found myself simply talking to them just to learn more about their species and there culture. And as I said before there is so much depth to this universe it's insane. The story is your classic "stop the big bad guy only to realize there is a bigger bad guy out there" but it's done so well and so polished that you will hardly care. In fact the fact that this story takes place in such a compelling universe will make you forget about the Sci Fi clinches and simply become enthralled with the story. And the greatest part you might ask? Simple this is only part one of what is expected to be a trilogy.
The game looks beautiful the character models are simply stunning. Which is a good thing because it really brings this universe and it's characters to life. The environments are varied the main story line worlds that you visit for the most part are beautiful. However the other planets you can go explore sometimes seem a bit empty but thats completely understandable considering how much is here and hardly takes you out of the experience. And unlike a lot of the bigger games I have seen recently there are hardly any visual bugs in the game.
The much talked about Dialog system while not revolutionary is certainly a step in the right direction. Simply put there is a wheel with 6 options (sometimes less depending on the situation) that you choose at certain points in the conversation. You can choose to be nice and soft on others, you can choose to be mean and speak your mind or you can kinda play in the middle and it really feels like you are the one choosing what to say. What you choose to say will sometimes get you Paragon(good) or Renegade(bad) points which slowly build throughout the game and ultimately decide which kind of hero you will end up being. While you level up you will be given the chance to raise Charm or Intimidation which will open up new options in the dialog wheel further creating new situations you can find yourself in. And the great thing is these new options are not just little show pieces and another random thing to level up they really do help. Later in the game I used my Charm to prevent one of my squad members from going rouge had I not had charm leveled up I may have had to fight him or worse lose him. It's things like these that make Mass Effect so epic and incredible that you can't help but love the game.
The Game play will take some getting used to but once you get the hang of it you will hardly care. The game plays somewhat like a Gears Of War but with RPG elements. You can hide behind cover although I often found myself simply standing behind the cover as the Gears Of War cover system is far superior. You have 4 basic weapons you can customize and add to Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Pistol and Sniper Rifle. You can add upgrades and new ammo to each gun tailoring it to a specific enemy or situation. You will Earn abilities for use in combat as you level up such as the ability to nonstop fire your assault rifle without the decrease of accuracy and without worry of overheating. And you will learn new Abilities for each weapon. You can also control the things your squad does as well. Sadly leeching abilities from your squad is often all they will be good for as the squad AI like in most games isn't that great. Don't get me wrong they will help you out every now and then but don't expect for them to save you or win the war or anything.
So with all these great things you may ask is there anything wrong with Mass Effect? Well yes a few things. There are at times a lot of slowdown it never inhibits the game play but its there. As I mentioned above the squad AI isn't the best in the world but it is by no means the worst either. The soundtrack oddly enough is completely forgettable which is odd for a game where everything else is so epic the soundtrack isn't. I thought the game was a bit to short but that may be a matter of taste and with all the side quests and such that can be done some will hardly think the game is short.
So yeah Star Wars sucks and Mass Effect is now the Sci Fi universe to beat. Great Voice acting, A deep and complex universe, Incredible story, Great alien races, Awesome dialog options. The list goes on. If you are a RPG fan OWN IT!!! If you are a FPS fan check it out. Everyone should at least give Mass Effect a shot and I'm sure everyone will love it.
Monday, November 26, 2007
So I have gotten quite a bit of play time in with Uncharted and I have to say I'm very impressed.
The thing thats strikes me most about Uncharted is how its just plain fun to play never does it get boring or tedious. You never get frustrated by the platforming or the shooting it's just so incredibly fun.
The graphics are some of the best seen on the PS3 thus far, the game is a treat for the eyes on a HDTV. Never a bit of slowdown although there is some screen tearing but not enough to pull you out of the experience. The jungles are vibrant and beautiful while the catacombs are dank and creepy. The vegetation in particular looks stunning as it sways and moves with the breeze. The effects of water on Nate's shirt after he comes out of a lake while simple looks stunning. Little details such as the explosion from a grenade or the water effects on the characters really is what makes this game so beautiful. And I haven't even gotten to the animation yet. Uncharted has bar none some of the best animations ever put in a game. Just little things like Nate flinching as bullets bounce off the cover he is hiding behind really brings the characters to life.
The Voice acting is perfect as well and not only in the cut scenes either. Nate will have you laughing and feeling for him as he is panicking while jumping from ledge to ledge his constant chatter to himself and Elena and Sully when they are around make him really feel like the everyman that Naughty Dog said he was supposed to be. The cut scenes are more cinematic then most films. They will have you laughing or being in suspense as to what is going to happen next. And the kicker is that you will care as the characters are so lovable. Naughty Dog did such a great job with the characters in Uncharted it makes me excited what we may see from them in the future.
The Game play as I mentioned earlier is just so fun, there is very rarely a lull in the action you are always either solving a puzzle, doing some incredible platforming, or gun fighting with enemies. The puzzles are fitting even if they are a bit to easy but that only serves to keep the pace of the game up and again not have a lull in the game play. The gun play is not to dissimilar from Gears Of War you have a cover system simply press circle and Nate will stick to the wall. You can pop out and shoot or blind fire. You can also roll in most directions and evade shots. You can also use Hand to Hand fighting combos if you so wish which are more useful then you may at first think. But where the game really shines is its platforming elements. It seems no matter what you do the game knows where you want to be. A death in the game will never be the games fault. In the older Tomb Raider games the grid like system in place would cause stupid death countless times, not so in Uncharted. This is how platforming should be in a game like this. Even though Tomb Raider Legend did away with the grid it could still learn a few things from Uncharted.
Uncharted is such a joy to play in every way. Never a lull in game play not even from a load screen as once you start there is no loading EVER. Lovable characters, great game play, awesome story, beautiful graphics. What more could you ask for? If you own a PS3 this game should be in you collection.
The thing thats strikes me most about Uncharted is how its just plain fun to play never does it get boring or tedious. You never get frustrated by the platforming or the shooting it's just so incredibly fun.
The graphics are some of the best seen on the PS3 thus far, the game is a treat for the eyes on a HDTV. Never a bit of slowdown although there is some screen tearing but not enough to pull you out of the experience. The jungles are vibrant and beautiful while the catacombs are dank and creepy. The vegetation in particular looks stunning as it sways and moves with the breeze. The effects of water on Nate's shirt after he comes out of a lake while simple looks stunning. Little details such as the explosion from a grenade or the water effects on the characters really is what makes this game so beautiful. And I haven't even gotten to the animation yet. Uncharted has bar none some of the best animations ever put in a game. Just little things like Nate flinching as bullets bounce off the cover he is hiding behind really brings the characters to life.
The Voice acting is perfect as well and not only in the cut scenes either. Nate will have you laughing and feeling for him as he is panicking while jumping from ledge to ledge his constant chatter to himself and Elena and Sully when they are around make him really feel like the everyman that Naughty Dog said he was supposed to be. The cut scenes are more cinematic then most films. They will have you laughing or being in suspense as to what is going to happen next. And the kicker is that you will care as the characters are so lovable. Naughty Dog did such a great job with the characters in Uncharted it makes me excited what we may see from them in the future.
The Game play as I mentioned earlier is just so fun, there is very rarely a lull in the action you are always either solving a puzzle, doing some incredible platforming, or gun fighting with enemies. The puzzles are fitting even if they are a bit to easy but that only serves to keep the pace of the game up and again not have a lull in the game play. The gun play is not to dissimilar from Gears Of War you have a cover system simply press circle and Nate will stick to the wall. You can pop out and shoot or blind fire. You can also roll in most directions and evade shots. You can also use Hand to Hand fighting combos if you so wish which are more useful then you may at first think. But where the game really shines is its platforming elements. It seems no matter what you do the game knows where you want to be. A death in the game will never be the games fault. In the older Tomb Raider games the grid like system in place would cause stupid death countless times, not so in Uncharted. This is how platforming should be in a game like this. Even though Tomb Raider Legend did away with the grid it could still learn a few things from Uncharted.
Uncharted is such a joy to play in every way. Never a lull in game play not even from a load screen as once you start there is no loading EVER. Lovable characters, great game play, awesome story, beautiful graphics. What more could you ask for? If you own a PS3 this game should be in you collection.
Monday, November 19, 2007
White Engine development hits a snag.

Square Enix has announced that the development of the White Engine has hit a snag and is moving along very slowly and as such Final Fantasy XIII will be delayed. For those that don't know the White Engine is Square Enix's in house engine that is the backbone behind FFXIII. Past expectations have placed the visuals that the White Engine can produce on par with those found in the film Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children. Square Enix reassured fans that the work on the White Engine will continue and that they haven't given up on it.
I personally hope that the White Engine makes it to the PS3 intact as I like the style it produces far more then something like say the Unreal Engine 3. Games running the UE3 have had many problems and it's worth noting it's hard to distinguish yourself from the pack when you look like everything else. Such as Gears Of War and Dark Sector looking so close it's hard to tell that they are in fact different games. Oddly enough one of the best looking UE3 games I have seen thus far is Square Enix's own The Last Remnant.
UPDATE: It would seem my worries on this story are for not as the source was in fact a mistranslation. During Square Enix's financial meeting the White Engine was mentioned only briefly and was not said to have development issues. Well that is certainly a load off my mind, I think I just heard a sigh of relief from a million SE fanboys.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Blacksite Area 51 A dissapointment in everyway.
Awhile back when the demo for Blacksite Area 51 was released on Xbox live marketplace I was impressed. I thought the graphics were great and the game play while not incredibly innovative was good. But now a few months later upon the games release I have been underwhelmed in every way.
The story is horrid "Alien artifact brings dead soldiers back." None of the characters are even the least bit interesting in fact they are all stereotypes. The game play is slow and forgettable. The much talked about morale system is more or less useless because the AI is so brain dead. A fight near the end of the game is so annoying because the AI refuses to do its job. The point of the fight is that the boss has a weak spot on its back, the squad says split up and supply a distraction however once you have the attention of the beast the squad sits there and DOES NOTHING. And if you try to go for the kill shot the brain dead squad wont get the beasts attention and you wont be able to get the kill shot. A simple fight that should have taken no more then 5 mins took me more then 30 because of the AI.
The levels are bland and in certain missions too big. There is tons of pop in and tons of visual oddities such as your squad members running at a closed door disappearing and then reappearing next to you and it happens far to often. There are tons of collision detection problems which seems to be all to common in Unreal engine 3 games.
I wanted so bad to love this game as the Area 51 franchise has a special place in my heart from the arcade light gun game. But Blacksite under performs in every area: graphics, story, game play, multi player etc. It's hard for me to even recommend renting Blacksite. It's sad because I know I'm not the only one that wanted to like this game.
The story is horrid "Alien artifact brings dead soldiers back." None of the characters are even the least bit interesting in fact they are all stereotypes. The game play is slow and forgettable. The much talked about morale system is more or less useless because the AI is so brain dead. A fight near the end of the game is so annoying because the AI refuses to do its job. The point of the fight is that the boss has a weak spot on its back, the squad says split up and supply a distraction however once you have the attention of the beast the squad sits there and DOES NOTHING. And if you try to go for the kill shot the brain dead squad wont get the beasts attention and you wont be able to get the kill shot. A simple fight that should have taken no more then 5 mins took me more then 30 because of the AI.
The levels are bland and in certain missions too big. There is tons of pop in and tons of visual oddities such as your squad members running at a closed door disappearing and then reappearing next to you and it happens far to often. There are tons of collision detection problems which seems to be all to common in Unreal engine 3 games.
I wanted so bad to love this game as the Area 51 franchise has a special place in my heart from the arcade light gun game. But Blacksite under performs in every area: graphics, story, game play, multi player etc. It's hard for me to even recommend renting Blacksite. It's sad because I know I'm not the only one that wanted to like this game.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Earthworm Jim to return?

If you don't know who Earthworm Jim is I suggest you slap yourself and go do some research. Earthworm Jim was a game back in the days of the Sega Genesis that had a good sense of humor and was one of the few games back then that really was fun and funny at the same time. You can then understand my excitement at the recent announcement that Interplay is re-opening its Dev studio.
Interplay has expressed interest in making sequels to Earthworm Jim, Dark Alliance, MDK and more. All of these franchises are classics to be sure and if Interplay can get things right alot of gamers will be very happy. There is a problem however Interplay doesn't yet have the money to make this happen. As it is Interplay sold the rights to a Fallout MMO to fund the restart of the Dev. How Interplay will get the funds to get these games into development remains to be seen but here's hoping they find a way.
Xbox games coming to 360.
As some of you may know the 36o fall update is coming early December. Microsoft has announced the ability to download xbox 1 games via the market place will be added. On launch there will be only a few games such as Halo, Crimson Skys, Psychonauts and more. The games will cost 1200 Microsoft points (about 15$). Microsoft announced hopes to expand the downloads to as many of the xbox library as possible. I personally think this is great as some xbox games are becoming harder and harder to find.
In other news the Fall update will also include a family timer which will allow parents to control the amount of time their children play. The update is set to hit around December 4 so keep a eye open.
In other news the Fall update will also include a family timer which will allow parents to control the amount of time their children play. The update is set to hit around December 4 so keep a eye open.
Monday, November 12, 2007
COD 4 Own it!!!
So now that Call of Duty 4 is out people have been asking is it better then Halo 3? Simple answer is yes but its really like comparing apples to oranges. Where Halo is more of a fast pace action shooter COD4 requires more planning. Thats not to say you can't run in guns blazing but it will more than likely get you killed.
First off Call of Duty 4 in my opinion has the best graphics thus far on a console. The sound design is absolutely incredible you will drool if you have a good 5.1 set up. The game play is as tight as it gets. It amazes me that Infinity Ward got a game that looks this good to run at a constant 60fps with never a bit of slowdown.
The single player campaign is brief about 4-5hrs but you can extend this by trying the game on a harder difficulty. The battles that you take part in are mind boggling. At times the amount of action is so intense you may need to pause the game and take a breather. The story is your typical action movie fare nothing you haven't seen before. The set piece battles that you take part in will leave your jaw on the floor.
Enough about the single player though the people will be buying COD4 for its multi player. Perks are awesome and really add uniqueness to the experience. For those that don't know what perks are they are basically ability's that you can earn and equip on your custom classes. A few examples of perks are something like Last stand when you are killed you don't die right off the bat you pull out a sidearm and get a chance to finish the job. Or martyrdom a perk that drops a live grenade when you are killed. Deep impact a perk allowing your bullets to penetrate deeper through walls. These are only a few of the many perks in the game. But thats not it, as your rank increases you will unlock new game types, weapons, attachments, camo, challenges, and more. Thats the beauty with COD4's online play is that you are always unlocking things there is so much to unlock its insane. And if you ever manage to unlock it all you can then mess around mixing and matching to try and make the perfect class. But the most important thing about COD4 is it's incredibly fun.
So like I said COD4 and Halo 3 are apples and oranges I still love both games and I still play both. That being said if you own both games you will not need to bother with any other online shooter for quite some time. With COD4 being near identical on PS3 and 360 there is no reason not to on it on either console. You owe it to yourself to own this game or at the very least give it a rent you wont be sorry
First off Call of Duty 4 in my opinion has the best graphics thus far on a console. The sound design is absolutely incredible you will drool if you have a good 5.1 set up. The game play is as tight as it gets. It amazes me that Infinity Ward got a game that looks this good to run at a constant 60fps with never a bit of slowdown.
The single player campaign is brief about 4-5hrs but you can extend this by trying the game on a harder difficulty. The battles that you take part in are mind boggling. At times the amount of action is so intense you may need to pause the game and take a breather. The story is your typical action movie fare nothing you haven't seen before. The set piece battles that you take part in will leave your jaw on the floor.
Enough about the single player though the people will be buying COD4 for its multi player. Perks are awesome and really add uniqueness to the experience. For those that don't know what perks are they are basically ability's that you can earn and equip on your custom classes. A few examples of perks are something like Last stand when you are killed you don't die right off the bat you pull out a sidearm and get a chance to finish the job. Or martyrdom a perk that drops a live grenade when you are killed. Deep impact a perk allowing your bullets to penetrate deeper through walls. These are only a few of the many perks in the game. But thats not it, as your rank increases you will unlock new game types, weapons, attachments, camo, challenges, and more. Thats the beauty with COD4's online play is that you are always unlocking things there is so much to unlock its insane. And if you ever manage to unlock it all you can then mess around mixing and matching to try and make the perfect class. But the most important thing about COD4 is it's incredibly fun.
So like I said COD4 and Halo 3 are apples and oranges I still love both games and I still play both. That being said if you own both games you will not need to bother with any other online shooter for quite some time. With COD4 being near identical on PS3 and 360 there is no reason not to on it on either console. You owe it to yourself to own this game or at the very least give it a rent you wont be sorry
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
MS keeping 360 around longer.
I think most would say that the xbox's life was shorter then it should have been. Microsoft was to quick to abandon the console even though games weren't yet pushing the system to it's limits. Well it would seem that Microsoft has learned from it's past mistakes as this statement from Microsoft games division CFO Mindy Mount shows.
"Look at the PS2; they've gone a long-time and seem to have pretty good legs on what they are doing...If we were able to do that, as CFO I think that's great, because every year you draw it out you increase profitability."
So it would seem we can expect the 360 to stick around a bit longer then the 1st Xbox did.
"Look at the PS2; they've gone a long-time and seem to have pretty good legs on what they are doing...If we were able to do that, as CFO I think that's great, because every year you draw it out you increase profitability."
So it would seem we can expect the 360 to stick around a bit longer then the 1st Xbox did.
Barlog leaves SCEA.

Cory Barlog better known as the director of God of War 2 is leaving SCEA. Word of mouth is that Barlog decided to depart to follow other opportunities. A SCEA rep had this to say
"We can confirm that Cory Barlog, Game Director for God of War II, is leaving the SCEA SM Studio and we are grateful for his work and creative vision for the critically acclaimed God of War franchise... Moving forward, we are confident in the God of War team, as they are an extremely talented group of people that are passionate about the franchise and dedicated to creating even more epic content with God of War: Chains of Olympus for the PSP and God of War III for PS3."
Kinda makes you wonder what a makes a guy leave a successful franchise like God of War. And more importantly how will God of War fare without him.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Story Telling in Games
I recently read an article that Kotaku linked to about story telling in gaming and thought I might offer up my thoughts on it. One thing the writer of the article says is he thinks that games these days have to many cut scenes and points out Final Fantasy as an example. Now I don't know about you but when I play a RPG like Final Fantasy I'm in it for the story. And while games can tell a story without cut scenes like Half Life 2 did, that method just wouldn't fit within the RPG genre.
I have never played a RPG that I thought had to many cut scenes and I played all three Xenosaga games which by the way is my favorite gaming trilogy( yes even over halo). I was in fact slightly disappointed when the 2nd two games didn't have as much cut scenes as I had expected. I remember playing Final Fantasy XII only about a month after having finished Xenosaga Episode III and despite loving FFXII thought that it didn't have enough cut scenes. A friend of mine later joked that I had been spoiled by Xenosaga.
My thoughts are that if a story is good and worth telling no amount of cut scenes can ruin the experience within reason of course. People constantly compare Film and Gaming in the storytelling department. Very rarely do I see a movie where I get attached to the characters and really care about what happens because after all I only invested about 90mins-2hrs in the universe of this movie which isn't really all that much for me to care. However games are much longer 10-20 sometimes even up to 50hrs long. When you spend that amount of time in a universe you find yourself getting more attached to the characters there. Don't get me wrong there are movies out there that I really liked but they are few and far between. Most of the time I see a film at the box office it is because the trailer caught my eye or its a nice little diversion from everything else.
Now I know everyone doesn't think and fell the way I do and I understand that. But the Hollywood types who say film is vastly superior to games in story telling need to be silenced. They must remember that compared to film gaming is still a new form of entertainment. And they also should remember that film wasn't always the king of story telling it is today. Books for a long time reigned as best place to get a story. They must also remember that film wasn't perfect right out of the gate it took decades to get right. Story telling in games will evolve and I don't think the pestering of film critics and Hollywood types is needed for it to do so.
I have never played a RPG that I thought had to many cut scenes and I played all three Xenosaga games which by the way is my favorite gaming trilogy( yes even over halo). I was in fact slightly disappointed when the 2nd two games didn't have as much cut scenes as I had expected. I remember playing Final Fantasy XII only about a month after having finished Xenosaga Episode III and despite loving FFXII thought that it didn't have enough cut scenes. A friend of mine later joked that I had been spoiled by Xenosaga.
My thoughts are that if a story is good and worth telling no amount of cut scenes can ruin the experience within reason of course. People constantly compare Film and Gaming in the storytelling department. Very rarely do I see a movie where I get attached to the characters and really care about what happens because after all I only invested about 90mins-2hrs in the universe of this movie which isn't really all that much for me to care. However games are much longer 10-20 sometimes even up to 50hrs long. When you spend that amount of time in a universe you find yourself getting more attached to the characters there. Don't get me wrong there are movies out there that I really liked but they are few and far between. Most of the time I see a film at the box office it is because the trailer caught my eye or its a nice little diversion from everything else.
Now I know everyone doesn't think and fell the way I do and I understand that. But the Hollywood types who say film is vastly superior to games in story telling need to be silenced. They must remember that compared to film gaming is still a new form of entertainment. And they also should remember that film wasn't always the king of story telling it is today. Books for a long time reigned as best place to get a story. They must also remember that film wasn't perfect right out of the gate it took decades to get right. Story telling in games will evolve and I don't think the pestering of film critics and Hollywood types is needed for it to do so.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Photorealism are we there yet?
So recently GamesRadar published an article discussing if consoles have become powerful enough to render perfect likenesses of actor's and actress's in games. This has always been something I have been interested in so I thought I would offer up my feelings on the subject.
First I will say with a simple no that consoles aren't yet powerful enough to produce these digital clones if you will. While you may be able to immediately identify a actor in a game that doesn't mean that its photorealism. I'm pretty sure that anyone who played the old ET game could tell it was ET they were controlling and that was nothing more then a few pixels. I for one don't think we will have photorealism until any random person could look at a side by side of a actor from a game and from a film and not be able to tell which is real and which isn't.
There are a few reasons why this won't happen for awhile. My biggest issue is hair(which GamesRadar touched upon in the original article). Hair has never really looked real in gaming outside of pre rendered cut scenes. Even in visually eye popping games such as Heavenly Sword Narkio's hair looks like nothing more then long red cloth tubes that randomly fly in all directions. And even worse are the games where hair looks like cutout paper with a glued on texture.
Second is that clothing in games is still hit and miss. Take Dead or Alive 4 for example. The clothing in that game looks incredible but when things get hectic it will go through the characters and flow in ways that makes little sense. And this happens in countless games.
I personally think that original characters always look better then characters modeled after a human being. Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning as she is currently known at this point looks far more realistic than any other character I have seen and yet she is in a fantasy setting.
So like I said there is still a few things holding games back from reaching Photorealism. I think it may still be a few console generations before we reach the "Holy Grail" of graphics technology.
You can check out GamesRadar's article on the subject here.
First I will say with a simple no that consoles aren't yet powerful enough to produce these digital clones if you will. While you may be able to immediately identify a actor in a game that doesn't mean that its photorealism. I'm pretty sure that anyone who played the old ET game could tell it was ET they were controlling and that was nothing more then a few pixels. I for one don't think we will have photorealism until any random person could look at a side by side of a actor from a game and from a film and not be able to tell which is real and which isn't.
There are a few reasons why this won't happen for awhile. My biggest issue is hair(which GamesRadar touched upon in the original article). Hair has never really looked real in gaming outside of pre rendered cut scenes. Even in visually eye popping games such as Heavenly Sword Narkio's hair looks like nothing more then long red cloth tubes that randomly fly in all directions. And even worse are the games where hair looks like cutout paper with a glued on texture.
Second is that clothing in games is still hit and miss. Take Dead or Alive 4 for example. The clothing in that game looks incredible but when things get hectic it will go through the characters and flow in ways that makes little sense. And this happens in countless games.
I personally think that original characters always look better then characters modeled after a human being. Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning as she is currently known at this point looks far more realistic than any other character I have seen and yet she is in a fantasy setting.
So like I said there is still a few things holding games back from reaching Photorealism. I think it may still be a few console generations before we reach the "Holy Grail" of graphics technology.
You can check out GamesRadar's article on the subject here.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Japan's #1 360 fanboy?

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Snake says chillax

I don't however think it's so bad. Some are saying the reason for the delay is so they can get the rumble functions into the game which is great(i would much prefer it out of the box then through a patch at a later date).
Also everyone needs to remember that the PS3 is getting a ton of Great titles between now and then such as Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Haze, Devil May Cry 4 and Unreal Tournament 3. If you ask me the delay will give people time to experience more of the games coming in what is being called the best holiday season is gaming history.
So like snake said relax and enjoy some of the other games out there you will still get your MGS 4 it will just be a little later then expected.
The PS3 system seller?
Well I cant think of a better 1st post to start off a brand new blog then this. Awhile back when i bought my PS3 i picked up 2 games Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Resistance Fall of Man. Those 2 games were great. But since then my PS3 has been more or less collecting dust with the exception of Heavenly Sword which was beautiful but way to short. That is until now with the release of Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction which very well may be the PS3's 1st system seller.
The game has been getting rave reviews by all who touch it(with the exception of Gamespot who's lower score has caused something of a spat with Insomniac) with scores in the high 9's everywhere and a few perfect scores as well. I myself can't praise Tools of Destruction enough. While its nothing new over some of the classic Ratchet and Clank games back on the PS2 Tools of Destruction is so polished and so fun its hard not to love it. Classic platforming, crazy weapons(Groovitron anyone?), great humor, awesome voice acting, music that fits the worlds perfectly and a epic story just to name a few things i love about the game.
The best thing however is the balance the game has. While in most games like Tools of Destruction you will pick a weapon you like and pretty much stick with it until the end, not so here. The weapons are all so fun to use that not only will you want to use them all you will need to use them all as the final segments of the game get pretty crazy and you will be using up more ammo then you can imagine.
When it comes to gameplay you can't ask for more. Tools of Destruction has so much variety it's insane and again its all so incredibly polished. There's the classic run and gun that we have come to expect from the series and great platforming elements, the gravrail segments are eye popping as they give you dynamic views of the massive game worlds which are incredibly beautiful, arena battles, space battles and great use of the Sixaxis motion sensing.
I could go on forever. But with all these great things there are a few sore spots. Tools of Destruction has no multiplayer to speak of which is disappointing because past games in the series had it. Another complaint would be the cliffhanger ending(its almost as if Insomniac just played Halo 2 and thought the ending was a good idea and drew inspiration from it) which is surly setting up a sequel. Which is great but with Resistance 2 coming next it seems we might not see the next Ratchet and Clank for awhile.
However these minor complaints should not stop you from picking up Tools of Destruction if you own a PS3 you owe it to yourself to have this game in your library.
The game has been getting rave reviews by all who touch it(with the exception of Gamespot who's lower score has caused something of a spat with Insomniac) with scores in the high 9's everywhere and a few perfect scores as well. I myself can't praise Tools of Destruction enough. While its nothing new over some of the classic Ratchet and Clank games back on the PS2 Tools of Destruction is so polished and so fun its hard not to love it. Classic platforming, crazy weapons(Groovitron anyone?), great humor, awesome voice acting, music that fits the worlds perfectly and a epic story just to name a few things i love about the game.
The best thing however is the balance the game has. While in most games like Tools of Destruction you will pick a weapon you like and pretty much stick with it until the end, not so here. The weapons are all so fun to use that not only will you want to use them all you will need to use them all as the final segments of the game get pretty crazy and you will be using up more ammo then you can imagine.
When it comes to gameplay you can't ask for more. Tools of Destruction has so much variety it's insane and again its all so incredibly polished. There's the classic run and gun that we have come to expect from the series and great platforming elements, the gravrail segments are eye popping as they give you dynamic views of the massive game worlds which are incredibly beautiful, arena battles, space battles and great use of the Sixaxis motion sensing.
I could go on forever. But with all these great things there are a few sore spots. Tools of Destruction has no multiplayer to speak of which is disappointing because past games in the series had it. Another complaint would be the cliffhanger ending(its almost as if Insomniac just played Halo 2 and thought the ending was a good idea and drew inspiration from it) which is surly setting up a sequel. Which is great but with Resistance 2 coming next it seems we might not see the next Ratchet and Clank for awhile.
However these minor complaints should not stop you from picking up Tools of Destruction if you own a PS3 you owe it to yourself to have this game in your library.
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